L'Oréal, moving towards a skills-based organization

In the face of accelerating transformations, broadening the range of skills that employees must master is key to improving agility and adaptability in the business landscape.
L'Oréal, a pioneer in this field, has been working for over 3 years to respond to these transformations and anchor skills at the heart of its organization, thanks to the support and guidance from Maryline Borri, People Development Director at L’Oréal.
Read the report from the discussion that took place during the round table organized by Akoya Consulting on June 11th 2024. Maryline Borri, shared her testimony and practical thoughts around the project in front of hundred HR representatives from CAC40 and SBF120 organizations.

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Maxime Chevallet

Maryline Borri

Senior Manager


People Development Director


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