Thursday, October 3rd

starting from 6:30PM

Morning Trévise, Paris 9ème

Join us for the 10th edition of the event!

Akoya Tech You Up is the annual meeting place for HR innovation, bringing together HR decision-makers from major international groups who are eager to discover and adopt the cutting edge solutions from the HR Tech world.

This year's edition will put in the spotlight the Employee Engagement!

Join us on October 3rd in Paris to discover how organizations leverage HR innovation to transform employee engagement into the cornerstone of their HR strategy.

In the agenda of the evening: 

  • Qualtrics, a leading provider of employee engagement, accompanied by an HR leader from a major international group, will share the outlines of their collaboration
  • Inspirational talks about various aspects of employee engagement from business leaders.

The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception, allowing you to network with other HR decision-makers.

This is a 100% free event for HR decision-makers, subject to availability (so register early).

An event by:

Our partners:


Come back soon to discover all of our keynote speakers


Come back soon to discover a complete agenda

6:30PM - Welcoming drink

A little appetizer before starting the talks!

7PM - Opening keynote

Introduction on employee engagement topic, with a special focus on the importance of workplace

  • Christelle Villard, Manager & Spokesperson @AKOYA
  • Clément Alteresco, CEO & Founder @Morning

7:15PM - Guest of honour

Inspirational story about the challenges of maintaining the engagement of employees in the banking industry in the context of an ordered dissolution

  • Jérôme Lacaille, ex-GM of Crédit Immobilier de France

7:30PM - Cross-experience feedback

Feedback between an HR decision-maker and an HR Tech solution, leading employee engagement provider:

  • Qualtrics expert
  • HR leader from a major international group

8:15PM - Innovation pitch

Discover a disruptive solution to follow

  • Speaker to be announced soon

8:30PM - Conclusion & cocktail

Take your time to network and discuss your HR challenges with your peers!





10% of HR tech solutions

from CAC 40 and SBF120 companies

Why coming to our event?

Akoya Tech You Up is an opportunity to;

• Get inspired by best practices to enhance and digitise your employee experience, thanks to testimonials from successful collaborations between major groups and HR Tech solutions.

• Discover the current major HR issues and trends and the tools deployed to address them, as well as success stories and behind-the-scenes looks at projects that have already been carried out.

• Network with HR decision-makers at the cocktail reception following the presentations

Recap of ATYU23 @Le Wagon

I am booking my place!

They have participated in our previous events

Your headline

Akoya is a strategy consulting firm focused on people in business.

We work with major French and international groups on: 

• Supporting business and organizational transformation

• Improving employee experience

• Structuring HR strategies and deployment tools

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